Last Stop before Brazil: F.B.Y.C. Cape Town

All of a sudden everything happened really quickly: The weather forecast said that the winds would turn East within the next two days, with an incredible 35 Knots maximum. Since we have had many arguments whether some wind was at 20, 30, or more knots, and we never had a good way to actually measure it, we decided that this would be a great opportunity to calibrate our 30 knots and above senses.


Even though the winds were still rather mellow when we set sail in Featherbay in Knysna, leaving the bay was still surprisingly difficult. Big rocks to our right and 2-Meter waves breaking on the reef to the left of us. The boat started rocking pretty bad and … weiterlesen

A pit stop in Knysna

We had never dared do this before, but this once, just this once, it was just too convenient. We made stop without having reached our wanted destination, which was Cape Town. The winds were very strong and were more of an opponent than a help. And our intelligent books, or at least those written by intelligent people, recommend sailing around the most Southern point of Africa during optimal weather conditions. Plus, the city of Knysna (pronounced ‘nice, na’) was just around the corner and is said to be surrounded by some of the most beautiful landscape of all of South Africa.

Picture 25Sailing around South Africa, we were generally far enough off coast to not be able to see the land. So approaching Knysna during sunrise … weiterlesen

Fishing boats on the deep sea – Calendar for 2013

For every seaman an encounter with another boat is always very special. How fast is their vessel and where is it going? Are we on a collision course with them? The twelve most beautiful pictures from the past 18 months are now available in our DINA4 calendar for hanging up on the wall. And by the way: It’s Christmas and such an original is great as a present!

If you order more than one calender the shipping costs will stay the same.

Price: 20,00 € (incl. VAT)
International shipping: 8,00 €

Attention! Due to many requests we have only a few calenders left…

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A short trip to Baden-Baden

After 1.5 years of travelling around half the globe, I thought to myself: … „Hannes, your geographical knowledge of India is probably better than that of what you know about German cities!“ So in order to get rid of this weird little fact, I thought I’d call my favorite travel agency and try to get some tickets to go to the in.puncto TV studio of the SWR television network in Baden-Baden in southern Germany. Turns out there were still a couple of places left on the next flight, plus SWR agreed to cover the costs of the entire trip! And to top it all off, I was finally going to meet my favorite reporter and in.puncto show host Nicole Köster in person!

So I had a flight booked for Monday from Berlin (Tegel) to Karlsruhe (Baden-Baden). The custom tailored suit from our friends from the Boworn Fashionhouse in Bangkok still (barely) fit me, even though I had been doing a good amount of eating being off the boat and back at home. My big bushy beard was exposed to a skilled … weiterlesen