Well, after all we are not alone out there – René is the first real yachtie we meet on out trip. The Australian sails with his wife Cerae on his beautiful sailing boat Anima to the most amazing places of this world, just a step slower than we do. One night René is on board our Marianne to play some guitar with us, he suddenly started to hit our sink like the drums. Who knew that you can get such great sounds out of dirty dishes! The next morning René is back again and everything is – of course – set up already. He’s got the rhythm in his blood.
After we meet Chris on his sailing boat Asylum we are a real sailing gang and together we paint the coast red…
By now René and Cerea ended their trip and are about to sell Anima. But you should check out their nice blog sailbirds.blogspot.com while you still can!
What René did to our sink you can see here!