Bao – our man on Phú Quốc

During our journey we sometimes meet amazing people and we know right away – we will still remember these people in 20 years or more!

NGUYỄN HỮU BẢO from the Huong Bien Hotel

Bao for example is such a person. He suddenly appeared right there on the beach and asked where we’re from. We had a little chat and it became clear that he is executive staff in the hotel, in front of which we had anchored our Marianne. The Huong Bien Hotel. In the following days, Bao bailed us out of all kinds of situations.

Thanks to him we were in the Bao Tang Museum and recorded Viet (the Sen playing guy from our Hair Cutting Video). Then he found a rat trap for us (for our stowaway on bord), ground our coffee beans, gave us a traditional vietnamese coffee machine as a gift, organized free internet in the hotel and apart from all this, he is simply a pretty cool guy. The only thing we could prevent him from doing was paying for our beers in the evening… Ha! And he even got our laundry done. What a great guy! Thanks Bao.

If you plan to go to Vietnam or are already there just contact Bao. He’ll help you out! –

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